The current 90 cfs regarding the Blue River is an average flow for this time of year. There is bank ice beginning to form in the Blue below Silverthorne while the lake is iced over downstream of Blue River Campground. Turn to fish within a mile of Silverthorne. Focus on the bright times, especially if you can capture a sunny day that employs a warm night (example. like 15-20 degrees the past night of reduced).
Egg habits, Pat's Rubberlegs, little Golden Stones, Caddis larvae and Midge larvae are great nymph choices. Streamers are often well worth an attempt as some days they truly are efficient. The brown trout are done with regards to spawn therefore we haven't seen signs and symptoms of the rainbow spawn.
The determined wade angler will see trout spread out in the best eating lies. Never expect you'll discover seafood stacked up as you will see in Silverthorne. The farther one gets away for Lake Dillon, the greater the Blue River fishes like a freestone river. Additionally, you'll need to work somewhat harder to effectively fish the Blue north of city; the fish populace is lighter in north hits associated with the lake than it's in Silverthorne. The focus of fish improves, but within the mile or more above in which the Blue River enters Green Mountain Reservoir (in other words. the inlet location).
Trout that live north of Silverthorne will frequently simply take many different fly habits (please see below) and generally are, usually, less selective as compared to trout residing just beneath the Lake Dillon Dam. Once more, when fishing this stretch, covering more surface often equates to more hook-ups. 5x fluorocarbon tippet is recommended.
We will make it effortless. Click to purchase an array of hand-picked flies that regularly catch fish on the Blue River North of Silverthorne.
Habits for this stretch:
Nymphs: Egg Patterns, #16-#18 Tungsten Yellow Sallies, Prince Nymphs: #10-16, Standard Pheasant Tails and Tungsten CDC Pheasant Tails/Hare's Ears: #10-16, JuJu Baetis (standard and purple), #16-#18 2-Bit Hookers, #18-#20 Split-Back BWO Nymphs, #18-#20 Buckskins and #18-#20 grey RS-2's.