Trophy Fish Award System
CT DEEP aquatic Fisheries Division is keeping a Public Meeting to have input on management options to conform to the combined Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council / Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission fishery management plan for black ocean bass. Our company is also pursuing input on choices for handling the bonus striped bass tag system.
Effective 0001 hours, Wednesday, December 30, 2015, the commercial landing limit when it comes to commercial collect of summer time flounder are going to be paid down to zero pounds when it comes to rest of 2015. (N15-28)
Public Act 15-52, An Act Concerning Certain Commercial Fishery Licensure Reforms, transfers conch (whelk) licensing and management authority from the division of Agriculture toward division of Energy and Environmental cover effective January 1, 2016. (N15-17)
All marine animals are protected because of the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. After these recommended working directions assists lessen likelihood of harassing or hurting whales and violating Federal legislation. Guidelines apply to all big whales from Maine through Virginia, except North Atlantic correct whales. It really is unlawful to approach the right whale within 500 yards (1500 feet) unless awarded certain exemption or consent.