Had a tiny warehouse fire come early july and possess eventually satisfied with insurance. No injury to the Fly Rods or Reels except that the cases had been expertly cleaned to removed smoke residue. However, we shall not offer the affected product as groundbreaking unblemished therefore we're blowing them off to people as quickly as we can.
55percent Off Durable Creek Typical Fly Rods and Timeless Change Rods
-Traditional IM12 Fast Action 9' 4 piece - Normal cost $220.00 - Fire Sale cost $99.00
For sale in 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 loads
-Classic Switch IM7 Medium Action 11'3" 4 piece - Normal Price $225.00 - Fire purchase cost $99.00 for sale in 5/6 and 7/8 weights (Demo's just in 7/8 - $75)
60% off-NXS Nano turn IM10 Quick Action 11' 4 piece - regular Price $335.00 - Fire Sale Price $134.00 For sale in 6, 7 and 8 weights-(7-8 Very few left)
45per cent Off Tough Creek Reels
-CLA 5/6 Fly Reel - Regular Cost: $160.00 - Fire Sale Price: $96
-CLA 7/9 Fly Reel - Typical Price: $180.00 - Fire Sale Price: $108 -
-CLA 9/11 Fly Reel - Regular Price: $190.00 - Fire Purchase Price: $114 -
Additionally, Have Fly Lines, change Lines plus some Shooting Head Lines with smoke residue at Blowout rates!
E-mail questions and we will get back phone calls whenever we can, Please have patience!
Concerns to..........or............, Call
Client Product Sales @....................Mark
Durable Creek.......................at 208-
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